September Product Update: Custom Registration and More!

We know that a great event starts with a flawless registration experience, for the user and the event producer. That's why we’ve been hard at work the past month adding and improving features to help make Welcome's registration process even better. We’re super excited to tell you about them, as well as other improvements we've made along the way. Keep scrolling to see what’s new 👇.

Custom Registration Fields

Your events are unique to your company. Your event registration process should be too! With Welcome, producers can add text fields, dropdowns, and checkboxes and determine if those fields should be required or not. No longer rely on integrations with other registration software to customize fields. Customize fields directly in the platform and capture the unique info you need. Learn more about Custom Registration Fields.

Longer-Lived One-Click Registration Links

Registration using Magic Links makes the sign-up process quick and easy. What doesn't make the process easy is when those links expire before attendees can watch the event. With longer-lived One-Click Registration Links, links stay active until two weeks after your event ends so people that may have missed the event can catch it on demand. This also allows you to send out unique links in confirmation emails and calendar invites as soon as its generated. Now, event producers have one less thing to worry about and can take a "set it and forget it" mentality.

Additional Updates

  • DM and help notifications now include a "reply" button which navigates you straight into that conversation.
  • When joining a lounge room, the room chat will now be shown in the chat tab by default.

We’re constantly updating our help desk to make sure your most burning questions are answered. This month, we’ve revamped the Networking Firewall article to include the latest on troubleshooting and tuning for optimal performance. We’ve got your back.

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